Monday, 18 April 2011

Is the food any better?

Judging by the ginger and rhubarb cake I made at the weekend - N O!! Broke the most important rule of baking. Never ever ever ever change the ingredients. I was waiting for the Tesco shop to come and was an egg short and a bit of milk down so thought I would make do. Big mistake. No photo attached!

Stupidly I didn't tale pics of most things I cooked, amongst the 40 hours of cooking last week, taking pics was a bit overlooked.  I was really inspired by the bread, pastry and pasta making and will definitely be experimenting with some of that. And trying to improve my soufflĂ© skills, meat preparation and cooking, sauce making ... the list goes on. Rather than feeling complete after the course I feel like I've opened a can of worms - so much more to learn! But I am very proud of myself for getting through and most importantly enjoying the week. Here are some of the bits I did take pics of - some on iphone so bad quality...

Medium rare venison stake with port and mushroom sauce, Boulangere potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli.

George loved the Foucasse Bread - like a sourbread and yum. Didn't last long!

Braised Guinea Fowl with mushroom, madeira and chesnut sauce.

Pasta made from scratch by me with clams and sauce (Pasta Volange)

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