Tuesday 17 January 2012

Broken Resolutions....

... So Christmas was lovely, in a chaotic kind of sense, I figured out that I prefer the excitement and anticipation of Christmas Eve and the relaxation and leftovers of boxing day to the big day itself.  But that was a long time ago, whoops, onto those broken resolutions:

Cook better meals
Take pictures of said meals and post to blog
Worry less

Miserable failure on all fronts. But I do have an excuse. I am 21 weeks pregnant.  I have barely said  those words out loud for complete fear of losing this precious being.  The first 16 weeks were the hardest. Days when I could barely catch my breath for fear of losing another angel. Each week and scan passed with promises to myself that this would be my last week of worry if all were to be OK. If only it were that easy.  Each time I feel that tiny flutter, that little push of a limb, I am ecstatic - but try as I might I can't let go of the fear.  But I am so so very grateful and blessed and cannot put into words the joy that I feel at the prospect of a new baby in our family.  I have learnt so many things about myself in this journey over the last 2 years, not least the blessing that children are.  I hope I am a better person and my children could never be more loved.

My little being is also my excuse on the cooking front. I could barely contemplate food let alone cooking it for the first 14 weeks and the last week saw me bed bound for the first time in years with a tummy bug. That's the pits.

So, now we've caught up a little, here are some pics:
Mince pie, Port and reindeer food
I started off well - mustard & Herb crusted Salmon (Lorraine Pascal, Home Baking made Easy recipe)

Hugh Fernley Wittinghsall's 'Family cookbook' choc chip cookies

Car racing in paint
Frosty Morn

Doggy on a frosty morn

1 comment:

  1. xxxxx from all of us.

    ps. those choc chip cookies look quite simply INSANELY good. Well jeal.
